

Tee times

Powerful.  Easy to use.  Flexible.

Tee Time Management

A tee time product that integrates seamlessly with your golf club, and fits around the way you run competitions, allow members to book, and generate revenue from visitors.

Its fast, clean interface allows administrators to see the day at a glance, with flexibility for handling the variations that inevitably come up.  From recurring block bookings for the seniors, to easy release of competition tee times back into the general availability, the intelligentgolf tee booking module brings all the ease of use of the rest of our product line into this complex arena.

  • Support for 18, 27 and 36 hole courses
  • Variable tee time intervals for competitions (8, 10 minutes etc) within the general tee sheet
  • Email notification to users and visitors on signup
  • Integrated support for repeating block bookings
  • Competition startsheets are fully integrated
  • Comprehensive data capture of visitor information
  • Flexible rules for pricing, with peak times and special offers
  • Powerful society management and golf day booking, with invoice generation and email communications
  • Easy online payment option using intelligentgolfPay
  • Multiple booking options for members and visitors to fit in with club policies

Online Payment Processing

Intelligentgolf supports online payments using ClearAccept. Fully integrated ClearAccept provides an uninterrupted experience for the customer - they remain on your website the whole time. This improves conversion rates and allows for end-to-end analytics on usage of the system.

You have complete control over payment policies, how much of a deposit to take, or whether full payment is required to confirm a booking.  Data capture is enabled with you deciding on the required fields such as email address, handicap and home club or contact number.

This data all feeds automatically into the email marketing system, allowing follow up and satisfaction checking emails.

Third Party Integrations

Extend the marketing reach of your club, and bring in additional revenues with our seamless integration with Third Party Tee Time brokers TeeOffTimes (part of GolfNow) and Online Tee Times.  With their extensive marketing to help attract nomadic golfers, you still remain in absolute control and can set rules to manage:

  • Pricing of teetimes
  • How far in advance they can be booked
  • Exactly which times you will make available to third parties

When a booking is made via a third party, the availability is checked in real time, and only if the time is not taken will a booking be made.  It will then appear directly in your management tee sheet view with full details of price paid and what fee if any is still to be collected.

These channel integrations can provide a new stream of visitors to your club who would otherwise not have visited.


With powerful reports to detail your busy times, year on year performance, slot occupancy, green fee usage, third party and online booking performance, you are able to understand more about how to maximise revenue on your golf course, yet retain full control over what your members can see.

If desired, you can automatically show all society and visitor bookings to your members, so that if you operate a rollup system for members rather than tee booking, they have all the information as to when they can avoid congestion on the first tee.


The intelligentgolf planner provides a holistic view of activity at your club.  With the ability to drill down into weekly and daily views, all information is there at a glance, including:

  • daily visitor count
  • notes relating to catering requirements
  • buggy and caddy usage
  • contact details of each event
  • room usage and availability
  • notes on room setup
  • full itinerary breakdown for the day

Events can be categorised and colour-coded to allow an at a glance view of golf societies, weddings, social events

Marketing & Emailing

With both text messages and emails you can easily market and contact key groups with ease.  Rich, templated email messages with full delivery reporting and bounce tracking are an integrated part of intelligentgolf and maintain the club's brand on all marketing and communications - no third party products are required.

  • Contact previous society organisers to invite them to a special event
  • Automatic follow up emails to visitors after they have played your course
  • Payment confirmation, invoicing details and full history tracking for societies and corporate events

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.
CONGU® is Copyright 2025 Council of National Golf Unions.