

The Ultimate Members' Website

They will love you for ever


Your golf members will love having intelligentgolf at the club. Simply put, it gives them all the information they could ever need, lets them access it from anywhere, and tells them how to beat their opponent at matchplay.

Since the system is built around competition results for handicapping, all the data that is needed is added automatically. Once that information is there, they are able to:

  • Look at the competition results from qualifiers and non-qualifiers as soon as it is published - they even get an email to tell them when if they like
  • Don't settle for summary information, they can view the actual cards submitted, and see how everyone's handicap is affected - instantly!
  • Analyse their golfing performance, hole by hole, round by round
  • Compare themselves against other members to get the lowdown on matchplay tactics
  • Book themselves, and if permitted by the club, their playing partners, into competitions from the comfort of their home or the convenience of their office, with email notifications on entry
  • View a personalised schedule of their upcoming golfing commitments
  • View, print and save their own handicap history, certificate or away letters
  • and so much more.


Many clubs talk about having a member's website or section, and while they are always greeted with enthusiasm at first, as the site goes slowly out of date the excitement wanes. Intelligentgolf is different - you run all your competitions, so the data is always there. The members login in droves, and so the virtuous circle of adding new content and continuing the communication is complete.

Other website providers may talk to you about "hits", or "page views", these figures here show only the logins. Typically a member will remain logged in on average for around four minutes, and in that time will view 7.14 pages. As a comparison, the club with the chart above saw almost 75,000 pageviews in September alone! The rich content and always live aspect of intelligentgolf attracts your members and keeps their attention, providing an unrivalled communications channel.

Contact us for a demo, and you'll find out why so many clubs are finding one of the best ways of attracting and retaining active golf members is to give them the flexibility of intelligentgolf.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.
CONGU® is Copyright 2025 Council of National Golf Unions.