


What we've been up to...

Christmas Support Hours

Wednesday 21st December 2022

Merry Christmas to all of our customers

The support team will be working throughout the Christmas period.  The majority of days are for emergency on call support, the same as our existing weekend support.  Please leave a voicemail if you have an urgent query, otherwise tickets will be picked up daily and responded to on the same day.

Key Facts

Founded : 2000

CONGU License awarded : 2006

Customers : 800+

Employees : 24

Handicaps Managed : 160,188

Rounds of Golf: 7,754,227

Daily Logins : ~ 23,000

Web Pages served : ~ 20 million/month

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.
CONGU® is Copyright 2024 Council of National Golf Unions.